Organic products
EM aed, 1L (aegunud kuupäevaga)
7.00 € with VAT: 8.54 €EFFECTS OF USE
• Activates soil microbiological processes with regular use, improves soil fertility, structure and quality
• Stimulates plant growth
• Increases yield
• Increases the natural resistance of plants to diseases and adverse environmental conditions
• Improves the quality of garden productsEM naturaalselt aktiivne, 20L
43.00 € with VAT: 52.46 €EM ehk efektiivsed mikroorganismid on kombinatsioon kasulikest mikroorganismidest, mis ümbritsevad meid vabalt eluslooduses. EM koosneb naturaalselt aktiivsetest bakteriliikidest ning igal neist on konkreetne ülesanne.
Mikroorganismid toetavad üksteist, soodustavad üksteise arengut ning kooseksisteerimist. Kõik mikroorganismid on ehtsal kujul ja neid ei ole muundatud.EM Naturaalselt Aktiivne:
– rikastab mulda kasulike mikroorganismidega
– aktiveerib mikrobioloogilisi protsesse
– parandab mulla struktuuri
– tõstab mulla viljakust
– kiirendab orgaanilise aine lagunemist mullas
– aitab maha suruda taimede patogeene ja haiguseid
– tugevdab taimede loomulikku vastupanuvõimet
– suurendab taimede saaki ja saagikust
– aitab kiirendada komposteerumistEMO VH, 1L
6.00 € with VAT: 7.32 €Natural vermicum concentrate is intended for watering greenhouses, vegetables and fruits, grass, berry bushes, seedlings, houseplants. It is also suitable for increasing germination during pre-sowing seed treatment. Pack size 1L, use 1: 100.
The product is approved for use in organic farming.Ilsadrip Forte, 20L
70.00 € with VAT: 85.40 €The product contains biologically active free L-form amino acids, the absorption of which through both roots and leaves improves the photosynthesis of plants and helps to make them less susceptible to adverse environmental conditions (cold and heat stress and nutrient deficiencies).
Composition: amino acids L-form> 50%; N org 9%; N 9%; Corg 24.5%
Cereal production: 5-10 l / ha
Seed treatment: 0.5-1 l / 100 kg per seed
Fruit and vegetable growing: 10-15 l / haKompleksväetis Black Pearl, 4 kg
10.00 € with VAT: 12.20 €Chlorine-free granular complex fertilizer BLACK PEARL with humic and fulvic acid, nitrogen, potassium, enriched sulfur and organic substances. Suitable for fertilizing all crops.
Helps to absorb nutrients from the soil better.
Stimulates the activity of microorganisms.
Improves soil microflora.
Better retains moisture in the soil.
Accelerates germination, germination.
A more powerful root system is developing.